Friday 20 March 2009

The black plague

Preparing for a 4 days trip to France, I indulged to the raw and decadent sounds of Peste Noire for the last couple of days. The french black metal bands have been amazing for the last decade or so, be it in the orthodox field or the dark and obscure field of th former Les Legiones Noire.

Peste Noire are so unique though that they definately deserve to be seperately mentioned here. Here is a group that presents their version of black metal in a so individual and provocative way that could only come from France. The punky rawness, the freedom and space given to the guitar, which is the driving force here, the unusual rythmical patterns, lead to a magnificent result that has not much to do with the dull and overused motives of contemporary bm.

So with great pleasure I dug their two full lengths the other day and they have been playing for quite many hours lately. My personal favorite is their first LP La Sanie des siècles - Panégyrique de la dégénérescence. I would recomment to everyone that has never heard them to find any recording and he is certain to be led to an amazing experience away from any black metal manierism.

Here is a link to a really interesting older interview with the band: