This was the exception to the rule that I believe to be right: Black metal (and similar forms of music) is not mend to be played live. This is not the average "rock" music, this is not a party, this is not music to drink beers listening to.
Few are the bands that prove to be worthy enough, to bring on stage the mysticism, darkness, occult spirit of their music. Watain seems to be the obvious example. Then again most of the bands ridicule themselves by bringing their music to the live arena. Enter Ondskapt.The ultimate example why this kind of music should be different than the average live orientated music.The videos that are uploaded on youtube (easy for everyone to find) are pretty embarrassing for a band that builded its own mythos in the scene.No more words needed. This is not black metal.A shame really, for one the best bands of recent years. Let's just hope that Ofermod will be much more careful on their coming performances.